As we all know, the beloved nickelodeon TV series "Avatar the Legend of Aang" have ended. Kalo anak Lauren denger "Aang" pasti kebayangnya guru MIE yang rada rese, Ms. Ang. Tapi kasian sih.. dia suka kayak di-bully murid-murid Lauren because of her name. Long story short she's no longer a teacher in Lauren. It was unclear whether she quit or got fired. Anyways, I think that Aang is awesome. Siapa sih yang gak seneng sama the avatar? Pasti banyak lah yang intrigued sama the art of element bending (PS: I've always wanted to be a fire bender). Dulu tuh inget banget sore-sore buka nickelodeon cuma buat nonton the series. My favorite character is Zuko. I know that he was the villain, tapi he's... interesting. Terus akhir akhirnya dia jadi baik *yay!*. Terus Appa juga sooo cute. Kayak bantal terbang gitu. Tapi sometimes good things come to an end. I haven't watch the movie based on the series, tapi kata banyak orang gak bagus. Terus katanya mau dibikin yang kedua. I hope jadinya bagus and gak dissapoint orang-orang yang suka sama seriesnya.
Nah, jadi ternyata the producers of the series made a prequel, judulnya "Avatar, The Legend of Korra". Once I knew this, I quickly watched it online. Ternyata emang bagus seriesnya. Nah jadi ceritanya itu years have passed since Aang defeated the fire nation. Aang and his team made a world where semuanya live together. Sebelomnya kan mereka kepisah-pisah gitu, fire benders di Fire Nation, water benders di Water Tribes, air benders di Air Nomads, earth benders di Earth Kingdom. Sekarang semuanya gabung, terus capitalnya tuh Republic City. Avatar Aang passed terus reincarnated jadi the next avatar, a water bender dari the Southern Water Tribe namanya Korra. Korra ini a seventeen year old girl yand di train to master the 4 elements. Terus di seriesnya ada Katara (udah tua), trus ada flash images of the grown-up avatar gang.
The one who teach Korra air bending tuh anaknya Aang sama Katara, namanya Tenzin. Tenzin tuh an air-bending master and the representative of the Air Nomads in the United Republic Council. Si Korra pengen banget diajar sama Tenzin tapi Tenzin harus kerja di Republic City, jadi Korra ikut. Di sana dia ketemu guys about the same age as her, brothers Bolin and Mako. Bolin sama Mako itu orphans dan buat biayain hidup mereka compete in a game called pro-bending. Nama teamnya mereka the Fire Ferrets. Terus buat qualify to the next round mereka butuh 3 members (1 earth bender, 1 fire bender, 1 water bender). Bolin earth bender, Mako fire, terus team-mate mereka dulu yang water bender quit. Long story short akhirnya Korra jadi the replacement. Si Mako tuh pertama-tamanya rada rese, tapi sebenernya dia sama Korra itu lovers. Pokoknya seru, I encourage you guys to watch it.. here's the trailer
Terus yang kerennya kita bisa liat the avatar gang all grown-up.. Agh mereka yang dulunya masih kids, masih lucu"nya sekarang dah grown up :'D
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