Nah, judul ceritanya itu sebenernya bukan Don't Look Back, tapi.. well, I haven't thought about it yet. Cerita ini tuh terinspirasi dari none other than my dream. Well, actually it's a nightmare. Jadi waktu itu aku mimpi waktu demo tentang kenaikan BBM di Indo itu mengakibatkan a revolution. Jadi sebenernya udah dari jaman dahulu waktu Indo memutuskan menjadi negara demokrat, ada kumpulan orang yang mau jadiin Indo negara komunis. Trus demonya itu kayak memercikkan the spirit of revolution.
Long story short akhirnya Indonesia dijadiin negara komunis, dan pemimpinnya itu a group called "The Orion Alledged". Nah mereka tuh maunya semuanya tunduk sama mereka, kayak how the North Korean citizens are to their emperor. Jadi murid-murid di sekolah harus setiap pagi berdiri and recite this weird poem about them, trus harus belajar tentang history mereka, pokoknya hampir kayak worship them. Terus I disagree, and as a result banyak yang ikutan pengen memberontak against the Orion Alledged. Nah, the government saw me as a threat terus they want me to suffer psychologically, so they killed off everyone I loved. It was horrifying, watching my friends and family being murdered one by one. Fortunately, I woke up when my *ehm*.. friend was murdered (cara matinya ditombak, serem pokoknya). Terus penyebab dari my nightmare itu none other than one of Suzanne Collin's book, Catching Fire. Gara gara that dream I could feel what katniss felt (sort of), and it was terrifying. I wouldn't be surprised if Katniss jadi insane. I have read the whole trilogy and emang endnya itu gak happy. Tapi emang the whole story is not made to be cheerful, tapi lebih ke violent, harsh side of this world.
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